Dec 31, 2009

New Year ... 2010 .. Wow I'm that old!

I wish you all a safe and prosperous New Year!

Not that some poor souls will get the chance because of other folk's greed and stupid political, ethnic, nationalistic or religious ideas. It puzzles me why anyone prefers death, starvation, sickness and turmoil over quiet sufficiency. Still thats Folks Freddy Boy ...

Dec 28, 2009

Wow! What a lovely present!

I'm double gob-smacked with delight! What a splendid Chrissy gift from my partner-in-crime. Fanttastically great!

Dec 24, 2009

Happy Birthday JC! Well sort of ...

Happy holiday to you all! Here, in the back of colonial beyond, we will be having a peaceful and quiet time free of all the usual trappings we associate with Chrisymas. No children, party balloons, turkey, fruit pudding with brandy sauce, silly paper hats or excess booze. "Oh, how Humbug" I here you cry. No my dears, it's chrisymas every day as far as we're concerned. Just think, not a day goes by that we haven't got plates full of good food, water in abundance, so much so that we can have flushing loos, plus a roof, bed and neighbours that don't tote guns. The roads aren't lined with beggars and we can go into town without fear of being robbed or hijacked. Who, for Christ's sake, needs Christmas when we have so much?

Dec 19, 2009

It's The Tapes I Tell You ...

It is all very well wander about pointing a video camera hither and yon but the end result is crossed-eyes and a suppressed urge to scream! Eight out of seventeen HDV tapes have been edited, tweaked and rendered and I am now virtually senseless and totally disenchanted with the whole experience. That's what you get Freddy boy if you don't stay at home locked in a cultural cupboard!

Back to the editor ...

Dec 18, 2009

Scorching Sun to Wet N Cold ...

Yesterday was so hot it'd sear a side of beef but today it's cold and damp. That's weather for you. All this talk of Global Warming and, oo er, climate change makes me think that we've lost sight of reality. I can assure any of you that climate IS unstable and after 65 year of experience, north and south hemisphere, I'll bet my last brass farthing that it's going to change and change again. Oh dear what a naught man I am! A non-believer of The Gospel according to St Scientist. So, today I'll put on a jumper and tomorrow I may be under a Banyan in me nothins trying to put up with a furnace atmosphere.

Dec 8, 2009

Woof Woof - Its the Boys again ...

A few pics of my favorite football team.

And their coach, Mr Flint

These are the star players of Cottage United, that formidable team of  gatherers that not stray ball is safe!

I just love 'em!