Nov 26, 2011

Weeds, Wet and Windy

Back at the kennel the weeds are rife and the weather, on-again, off-again, rain and wind. Not to worry the 'fridge is full and there's plenty of film to edit.

Local fauna are a delight as usual; there is nothing as rowdy as Oz birds at daybreak. The lizards are up and about when the sun decides to show its more radiant face. Mr Blue Tongue came out to greet us which frightened the daylights out of the Memsahib. This especially since our friend down the road found a four foot python slithering its way around the wood-fire chimney pipe in her kitchen. The snake went on to the work bench top in the kitchen before the stalwarts from the local zoo turned up to remove the beast. Because the animals are territorial they only took it down the road to a small pond where they thought it had come from. The best part of the story was that the zoo stalwarts told our friend to, "Grab it by the tail and drag it outside". No chance!

Here is Mr Blue Tongue:

Nov 9, 2011

Back To The Colonies

After two splendid rest days in Narita we find ourselves back in the Colonies again - for a short while. We were greeted by a massive thunderstorm which meant that today was the wettest we've seen for six months ...

So time has come to ... set up all that needs to be set up so that life can go one as before ... that also includes:

Making the next set of travel plans and bookings ...

now where will that be?