Dec 28, 2011

Mower Mania!

One of the annoying things about living in Ozerland is the mania for mowing grass, lawn is too grand a notion. The act of mowing isn't the problem. Its the obsession with motor mowers and the chronic desire to cut the grass down to the roots. This activity must be done at some ungodly hour in the morning; probably due to a the misconception that the sun may rise to levels that sear the flesh down to the bone before 9am. The manic activity is not confined to those of retirement age who have noting better to do with their time. Better still if the mower is supercharged with designer, mega decibel exhaust and go-fast stripes.

I was woken this morning by some half-wit next door and, had I possessed the necessary equipment, would have been delighted to hasten her passage across the Styx and payed Charon handsomely.

It was a comfort to find out that a I was not the only crusty to object to such a rude incursion into my territory ...

Dec 12, 2011

Travel Videos - Done And Dusted

That really is a wrap. So drop into my Youtube site if you want to spend hours seeing what we've seen ...

Hope you enjoy what you see

Dec 11, 2011

Loading Up For The Season

Tis the time to

Deck the roofs with boughs of razor wire, 
Reindeer traps and Claymore mines. 
Tis the season for Santa hunting, 
Rudolf pie and mulled red wine. 
Fa la la la la, la la la la,

Happy hunting campers!

Dec 8, 2011

Cut, Cut, Cut and It's A Wrap ... Nearly ...

After a mammoth series of editing session I've come to the end of my tether ... sorry, that's tapes. Time to leave the computer to chew away for hours digesting the finished footage into DVDs. I don't have blue teeth and don't expect to change my dentition for some time ...

Horsetrailier wise all is same of the same ... except ... the summer goblins have gone on strike. Cold, windy and much downward trending water seems to dominate the meteorological soothsaying. It must be the new carbon tax ...

It'll soon be That Time again. Time to take the Humbug pills and board up the chimney; time to reflect of the behavior of the herd; time to say at home, doors bolted and curtains drawn. Need I say more?