Saw the end of year show of the Hallam Uni Contemporary Fine Art BAs. I'm sure they tried but honestly ... Some of the pieces were shown in basement studios which even the administration staff found it hard to tell us where they were and how to get to them - lifts were out so that made things even more confusing.
Talking to some of the students was a disheartening. Not one had anything good to say about the course or the lecturers. The students even went to the extreme of mounting a protest complete with placards so they must have been more than a bit annoyed with the way they were treated. One student said that during the three years there had been no attempt at teaching techniques - discovery is all! She said that she had organized life drawing classes because it was too hard for the faculty staff! Makes my blood boil to think the snotty lectures can't get over their importance to actually teach and mentor their students - no wonder students find solace in booze and drugs - wouldn't you if there isn't anyone to inspire and learn from? I suppose it's just a question of paying bums on seats and academic ego satisfaction. Moving along ...
The life class at the Millenium on Friday was good. Nothing drawn of value but the chance to practice "looking" dicipline was enough.