It was just too sunny and pleasant not to get out into the hills for few hours. So I packed a few sandwiches and we got on the 272 to Castleton. Off at Surprise View we wandered down to Lawrencefield quarry just for old time sake.
Last time I was here was over 40 years ago and we were benighted whilst doing a nice pegging crack. Can't use pegs these days it may damage the quarry cracks - don't ask about the logic it's quite beyond me. Seems that the fact that it's a quarry, an industrial site, and not a "natural" crag has been lost in the mists of middle class environmentalism.
Wandering on to Millstone edge brought back more ancient memories. Home made anoraks, climbing sacks, knitted socks, Army surplus trousers cut off at the knees, pitons made by school kids in metal work classes, hexagonal nuts drilled out and threaded onto nylon slings - now the amount of equipment is staggering. It costs a fortune to fully kit out a reasonably capable rock climber but it's essential if you want to climb the "new" routes. Still all the posh equipment doesn't mean you'll actually appreciate the environment you're in.
We sat and ate our picnic while looking out over the Hope valley. Two old farts enjoying sitting in what seems to be one of the best parts of England. Onward and upward ...
A steady stroll brought us back to Surprise View and the 272 took us back home suitably refreshed by a few of hours contentment.