Aug 8, 2010

Well Dressings, Jet Fighters and Cathedral

What a mixture! A week of this and that nearly makes my head spin. We hired a car for the week (Enterprise of course) and had a day trip out looking at the well dressings in Derbyshire.

Bradwell proved to have a splendid array of homemade cakes, fresh sandwiches and pots of freshly brewed tea ... the well dressings were very good too. We wandered the village which, to our surprise, was bigger than we thought - that's to be expected because the only time we've been here before was to by the excellent Bradwell ice cream; sadly this enterprise has gone bust.

Bonsall's well dressings were OK but, being filled with tea and cake, we didn't go for more. The countryside was as lovely as you'd expect for a sunny day in Derbyshire - traffic in places as mad as ever.

A fast, traffic filled drive brought us to our home turf - Lincolnshire. Yesterday we had an excellent lunch at a pub boasting 600 whiskeys which, on inspection, seemed to be mostly empty bottles. Meeting Sue's bro and sis allowed over three hours on pleasant nattering and catching up on family this-and-that. It came as a surprise to lean that bro had spent part of his working life maintaining the GPO equipment housed in the roof of Lincoln cathedral; this explained his interest in the cathedral.

The Real Biltons?
Today, Sunday, has dawned sunny and warm - that soft English summer atmosphere which once experienced is never forgotten. Blue sky and fighter's - that's typical of this neck of the woods; Cranwell is but 10 miles away. The 600 whiskey pub has a folk festival today; free entry supported by arts grants and the BBC amongst others. We'll oil up our rapper knives, polish our clogs and whack our diddle-ohs down to the barn for a gurt olde knees-up with fellow Yellow-Bellies.

"When I was born apprentice in famous Lincolnshire,
T'was then I took to poachin' as you shall quickly hear ...."