After the last few days I'd be astounded if it didn't snow! What weather? Changeable! For those of you who have an idyllic vision of Oz sun and surf, I take great delight in disabusing you of such myths. I've been through my whole, though limited, wardrobe in one day - even Wellington boots! Not that I'd want to be in Qland - poor souls. Mind you I've been an Ozer for long enough to know floods and cyclones are a yearly event; some devastating like this year. Building on floodplains, beaches and estuaries is nothing new. Similarly, taking no regard for the weather, when pitching the tribal tent, seems to be the nature of human migration to far-off climes.
Today I'll brace myself for the rain-sun-wind and go for a stroll in the bush - fingers crossed in the hope a tree doesn't fall on my head!