This morning we were entertained by pouring rain. Paths like steams and in danger of being washed away by great gouts of water from passing traffic. Not to be put off by such inclemency, we donned out wet gear and strode forth into the waterfall. Everyone else abroad seemed to be intent on poking at least one eye out of the nearest individual with a prong of their umbrella. We strode on, our heads doing a fine impression of a Kung Fu expert ... missing this and blocking that pronged attack.
After a brief duck underground we surface at the door of probably that biggest book store we've seen. A sign from the immortals showed the way to the stores' coffee shop. We paid homage to the immortals and bought a Korean-English dictionary ... more of that later.
Onwards unbowed by the maelstrom, we continued the expedition into the unknown. The Lotte department store loomed through the downpour. With the promise of an extensive food court and supermarket our spirits soared. In we went and dis-waterproofed. Down in the basement we found "The El Dorado of Gastronomic Delights". OMG! Slaveringly magnificent! Where, oh where, to begin? The sight was so delicious that I almost had heartburn of the eyes!
We wanted some dried fruit for the most mundane of reasons that only a hardened traveller can understand. This is where the point-at-the-book language technique come into it's own. Smile at the woman ... point at the words "dried" and "fruit" ... wait for a reaction. After a short time she took use to three charming young women, one of which produced her iPhone-thingy. I typed "dried fruit". Bingo! All of us understood. She pointed, we selected and paid. Problem solved ... bowels no doubt will smile in appreciation in due course ...
To lunch and don't spare the chopsticks! What to eat? After several circuits through and around the many options, we settled down to an excellent lunch. The place buzzed with folk enjoying themselves. Totally brilliant ...
Re-waterproofing we returned to the downpour and wandered our way back to the hotel just to get completely dry.
Its mid-afternoon as I type ... its still hissing down!