Oct 23, 2009

Strike, Strike , Strike ....

What isn't working today? Buses, Post, and fire services (the folks who put fire out, duh ..) Well it is coming up to Christmas. It's all cleaning and packing ready for Transportation. Not that I'm too happy about that but it's inevitable at this point in time. Ho hum ...

Sheffield has been a good place to hang my hat; convenient for transport and all other aspects of day-to-day doings. I wouldn't want to settle here for good; too big, hectic and noisy. Yes, we old fogies like a bit of peace and quiet plus absence of over iPoded kiddies. Poor souls don't seem to exist outside the virtual techno-world. What? Actually speak to other denizens of the forest? You have to be joking! That would require social skills which are just not cool ...

What's next ...