Well possums, here we are in Horsetrailyer again. Sun a-shining and all the convicts are safe in their cells. What a difference. One minute we were in London, the next it was Tokyo and then Sydney. I dropped by Travelscene to check on return fares just to keep a bit of perspective.
So, now my car is unregistered and, because of the rules I have to return the number plates and go though all the hoops again - same car but thats colonials Freddy Boy.
We have been blown away by the reception our convict friends have given us - that really makes us feel very privilege. Lots to unpack and re-do which is good for old farts like us; you can get too bogged down with "things" being just-so and unable to cope with change. "Oh, er, its' seven minutes past eleven! I have to have my tea; one and a half sugars and a splash of milk; Earl Grey mind; with two digestives - the ones in the white jar Uncle Bert gave me for my 21st ..." Time for walkies ....
Now its time for a little rest while I process all the video footage and book another trip.