Nov 11, 2009

Ooo, Er Ain't The Sunshine Great ...

After a mad, dashing-about on Monday, my car is tested, taxed and waxed. I must have walk miles to and from offices and garage but it was all done in glorious sunshine.

Most of the "house" has been unpacked; what a load of rubbish we hold dear to our bosoms; do we really want the nick-knack from long gone Uncle Fed? Not that I ever had an Uncle Fred. Questions upon questions and all about "things" we didn't even know we had let-alone that we looked at regularly. What silly sentimental duffers we all are ...

Now it's down to video editing. I can't remember the name of some of the places; the places I remember but the names? I suppose it's a case of adopting  a "roses and names" philosophy ...

So the music plays and we dance on. Why? It's a mystery to me!