It's a pleasure when you have settled-in (well almost) and start seeing friends and doing what you traveled to do. Our friends from Stanage came over for lunch so that we had an grand time catching up on all the gos: dogs as frisky as usual, freezing cold winter, highland cattle smashing rear lights on car, campers, climbers, hang-gliders and walkers still a pain in the backside, Park Authority as daft as ever, Brit pollies totally looney, economy in tatters, but, apart from that all is as it should be.
Yesterday provided an excellent lunch at the Fusion Cafe and magging session with Tim Rose. I dropped into an evening Life Drawing session at Tim and Rebbeca's studio. Walking from the city centre in the twilight at 9.30 pm proved to be a little scary - I only saw 6 or 7 people so that the streets felt deserted; no doubt the pubs and resturaunts were full and TVs well goggled at. It always surpises me how quiet a city becomes after 7 pm, that is unless you trawl the clubbing and boozing areas - I don't ...