Sheffield has, so far, escaped, but the temperature has plummeted and the wind become bitter. Bitterness equally seems to be affecting the attitude of most, if not all, students towards the Lib Dems, the leader of which is the Sheffield MP. Sit-ins and demonstrations seem to be in fashion at both unis and elsewhere.
Ah, I remember the demos in the late 60s and the mess made by naughty students during the sit-ins. We were a militant lot in those dark ages. Some even went to Paris to "help" the students at the Sorbonne; what a violent event that turned out to be ... I confess I had too much work to do; I camped out in the main library! Back to today ...
Thank Big G for under-floor heating and double glazing! Plus, a couple or three nuclear power stations to keep the volts volting and the amps flowing. Beggar the obsession with renewable power; I like to keep warm and have my toast a-toasted.
It's interesting how one's attitudes change when one is exposed to weather other than sunshine day-in day-out ...