Nov 27, 2010

Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow ...

Loads of snow fell overnight and, as usual, traffic came to a standstill on some major roads. The proportion of idiot drivers is as it always has been. When will they ever lean? Never ...

We're snug in our cage and we've little intention of going too far from  it's under-floor heating unless we make a quick dash to the supermarket for something chrissy-like to add to the overall seasonal feeling the snowy scene brings. We had the Chestnuts the other day when we went to the Christmas Fair in the city centre ...

English weather? It's great if you like change!

Yesterday, I went to the Millennium Gallery for another life drawing session which was very enjoyable. The walk back home through the city was cold, but the evidence of Christmas retail therapy gave the place all the bustle of a busy market. We have, so far, managed to resist all the hype ... "Humbug," I hear you say ...