Jun 18, 2012

Seamless Travel - Paris to Sheffield

The shuttle from the hotel to CDG Terminal 2 was like the proverbial sardine can ... with a few extras!

Processing at CDG was slow and efficient. The small baguette that cost 9.50 euros was the most expensive bite I've had for some time ...

The Flybe flight to Manchester was on time and faultless. Train from Manchester to Sheffield was on time and CLEAN and quiet. Hoorah for progress! Coffee and baguettes at Sheffield rail station equaled what we've come to expect in France ... don't faint ...

The Premier Inn Hotel is, as always, excellent.

Andrew's cafe served a good afternoon tea and  he and the staff were as sociable as  ever.

Marks and Spark provided an excellent selection of  high quality inner nourishment for dinner and the London Ale wiped me out ... cheap drunk that I am.

What could a traveler want other tha a good night's sleep?