A very wet Friday but, it didn't get in the way of taking the advantage of going to the last drawing session until September.
Talking to the gallery education person was, to be honest, a sad experience. The echo of so many empty civil service word-speaks seems to confirm that the silly bean-counting rhetoric of today's society is endemic. Be it UK or Oz the same pseudo-free-market clap-trap abounds. The Oh-Limp-Hicks dominates everything ... health, education, police service can go to the beggar's bowl. That virus SPORT takes no prisoners. It infects all and they are happy to keep paying for their infection.
The Millennium Gallery room used for the drawing sessions will, I was told, remain empty for the period - nothing was planned. Given that most, if not all, the attendants would be glad to continue the sessions through the summer, it seems a wasted opportunity to rake in at least some lucre. I suppose the incumbent manages are filled with self-congratulation that they have, in their own minds, filled their aims and objectives and met budgets. Interestingly, the tutor is now in the throws of organizing session that will have nothing to do with the gallery ...