Jul 30, 2012

Sun, Rain, Olympics And ...

Thursday ... Down at Porterbrooke studios we had an excellent evening daubing away in near steam-room conditions.

Friday ... The Olympic Games opening. What a great piece of theatre! The section based around the Industrial Revolution which ended with the five-ring Olympic motif was worthy of a Soviet Shakespeare.Totally patriotic; breast-beating; brilliant. The skit with Aunty Betty and 007 was a good old fashion jape ... I'm sure the yanks would think it was really happening ...

One finger to the rest of the world and a stirring trumpet call to the country ... I'm pleased to report that all the folk I've talked too seem to have been energised by the event, especially the "young"; let's hope it lasts.

Sunday ... Out to our friends in Hathersage using public transport; the 272. Sun warming, cottage garden sitting and birds flittering. Teaed, crab-pated, pork-pied and caked-scoffed lounging. We charged our batteries and thanked God for the privilege.

Monday ... Driving to Lincoln we stopped of at Littleborough to look at the church of St Nicholas. The Norman arches drew us there. It is said that Harold stop at this church on his way south to meet the William at Hastings.

We enjoyed a more than adequate lunch at the Eyre Arms pub in Rampton. Rampton's great claim to fame is that it sites the Nut Bin for the Criminally Crackers - Rampton Hospital. I have the dubious honour of delivering loaves and fishes to the hospital shop during one of my very many pre-university jobs ... a very sad and sobre experience ...

On to Lincoln Cathedral ... fantastic - always.