Aug 12, 2009

City of Lights and All That

After a week of high temperatures in Paris we are back in rainy Sheffield. We were shell, should that be travel, shocked after a seamless journey from Bastille to our flat; metro, flight (Bmibaby) and two buses. Leaving at 5.30 am and sitting down to a cupper at 1 pm; all a bit disorienting!

How was Paris? Hot, busy and expensive! Worst of all I managed to cop a heavy head cold. No not Swine Fue, although the Brits seem to be all a-panic about it and are dishing out Tammi Flu like lollies.

We had stayed at the hotel in Bastille before - the Baudelaire Bastille. This time the room was on the four floor and there is no lift; who needs to go to the gym? Clean, inexpensive and well located - just what we like. Feeding ourselves from the local Monoprix supermarket keeps the body parts moving as well as defeating the rip-off merchants in the resturants. We had the delight of the most expensive cups of tea with lemon - 12 euros - at some snotty place somewhere along our wanderings.

All very entertaining; lots seen and enjoyed.

A day trip to Riems by train was excellent. The cathedral is magnificant.

When I've collected my wits I'll tell you more ...