Aug 17, 2009

Lord N Lady Dusting

We were 272'd to the Peaks again and met up with our friends; our sacks filled with a swag of goodies for a lunch to be had on the terraced roof of North Lees Hall no less. Plans were twarted by the weather; rain in torrents. Donning our dust coats and aprons we set about "doing" for the in-comming guests. Dusting here, polishing there - have you every brushed a spiral staircase? No? Well it's an experience well worth the effort - not! All dusted and done we set up court in one of the kitchens for the repast. Excellent!

The hall is "famous" for Bronte associations and thus several films. To me it's a great example of "tatty kitsch"; a place for would be's to holiday and cheap at up to 1000 GB clams a week. Snot on the bankcard pseuo-history. And ... a great example of a hole-in-the-cheque-book project. You can hire one of two appartments for a holiday from the Vivat Trust.

The location is stunning and probably my favourite area in the UK; should be because I've been coming here for over 40 years.

Lunch over, we walked to our friends cottage and spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in a sunlit garden, chatting, drinking Rosie and playing with the three sheepdogs. "E, it were reet gradely and no mistake Mr Heathcliff!"