Jun 15, 2011

What Day Is It?

All went to plan and we arrived on time at Heathrow. The hopper took us to the hotel where we had, what can only be described as, an average dinner. The Butterfly Chicken could, for all intent and purpose, have been made of very stiff cardboard doused in some BBQ sauce ... "Welcome to the UK". Breakfast came after a on-off sort of sleep ... as you'd expect after the flight and other travel. The breakfast was good; as was the coffee - must be the influence of the Middle European staff. Hopper hopped us to the bus station where we had the pleasure of talking to a falconer who's bird is used to keep the flying rats out of the bus station building. I was a bit odd seeing a hawk sitting on one of the roof beams.

The National Express service to Sheffield was excellent ... as per. In Sheffield I got the hotels mixed up so that we tried to check-in the wrong place; same chain wrong address. All else was fine. M&S supplied some lovely salads, fruit and other munchies for dinner so that we were able to collapse again into a time-coma.

Travel may broaden the mind, but it sure tires it at the same time!