A lovely sunny day for a dive - maybe, if you like multi-lane traffic, tail-to-tail and travelling at 70 mph plus. Mix in a more than a few tail wagging, caravaners with no intention of driving at the required 50 mph and you have hours of boring travel. We left home at 9am and got to the shack at about 5pm. M1, M42, M5 plus an alphabet mixture of other roads.
We stopped at Tewkesbury and went to a wedding at the Abbey. A magnificent building! Magnificent organs! One of the best examples of Norman columns and arches you can see. Good glass and painted ceilings with decorated bosses - beautiful in all respects. The music for the wedding powered from the organ filling the space with the deep resonance which both lifts the spirits and vibrates the innards - a truly spiritually moving experience ...
The shack turned out to be a typical traditional 50's cottage; really a sub-divided part of what may have been a small hotel. Well finished, comfortable and spotlessly clean. Unpacked, we wandered to the nearest pharmacy for yet more cough and cold juice - I'm still barking like the proverbial back dog.
The kitchen was soon put into action and we gave several Thanks for a safe journey and virtually collapsed into our dinner. We Stayed at Bloomfield House where the owners, Keith and Tricia, made us very welcome.