Jul 26, 2011

Summer Blue Skies - Packed Beaches and Massed Parking

Today was a brilliant example of an English summer day. The hoards were out with everything, including their kitchen sinks. Beaches were packed and parking was like the storage yard at a car manufactures. We stopped at a delightful pub in the village of Georgeham where a Czechoslovakian bar woman said she expected to be very busy once the "lobsters" returned for their evenings entertainment. Yes folks, it was a day for frying the kids and baking as much naked white flesh as possible; it's a national mania ...

St George's church at Georgeham is very picturesque; building was begun in the13th C. The village is noted in the Doomesday Book of 1087 and there may have been a church on the site in Saxon and Early Norman times.

The day finished with a visit to the NHS Clinic in Braughton so that I could get some antiBs.

A very pleasant day ...