The receivers of said baubles and trinkets will, as is their right and yearly habit, give one of those sickly smiles and say, "You shouldn't have bothered. It's lovely." The first sentiment being heart felt and the second having the sincerity of a politician touting for votes at an election.
JC's adopted birthday brings with it the threat of the "Traditional Dinner" which, as you all know, includes an over-supply of booze, a totally indigestible Christmas pudding, silly hats and crackers that seldom crack. This splendid fare, only cooked once a year, is a testament to tradition rather than nutrition. Thank God for antacid remedies ...
Lest you get the idea that I'm a Humbuggering Old Fart I will take the opportuntity to wish all my readers
Please don't drink and drive you could run over Aunt Mildred ...