Dec 17, 2010

Horsetraillia Again

After a total of 21 hours we are now back in our cage at B Bay. The flight from Tokyo to Sydney was excellent - JAL rules OK! Add to the 10ish hours of flying time: 1 1/2 hr local train to the airport, 3 hrs waiting after checking in, 1 hr waiting for the only coach to B Bay, 5 1/2 hrs travel to B Bay.

The weather on arrival in B Bay was perfect, just like a summers day in the UK. Next day? Cold and pouring with rain! Those holiday posters for Oz just don't tell the truth ...

First stop, yes that's right, the supermarket for some nosh. Then we were "at home" - whatever that really means ...

The weeds are crutch-high so that Gardener Sue has plenty to do ...

I've already stated editing the video so that it's time to keep an eye on my YouTube pages - I'll take my time, but some of the video so far is at least amusing - if you like snow ...

It's great to be old and fortunate ...