It didn't snow overnight and we've seen a few buses this morning. Hopefully the road will be kept clear by whatever traffic braves the weather. But no! It's started to snow again! We can't get to the storage facility to store our UK gear because the place is still closed ...
Fortunately we have JAL tickets that allow us to change our departure date up to 24 hours before we are due to fly out. We may have to change plans at the last minute, but we still have 4 days to agonize. Change to departure means all sorts of knock-on changes with hotels in Japan, flights to Sydney and the only, once-a-day coach to BBay. Hey-ho, it's not that difficult and keeps the mind occupied ...
Sadly, the snow means we can't get to see friends and family before we leave. Our friends at Stanage are stranded by the snow and icy roads ... again. They can use a quad-bike, but the idea of two adults and three sheepdogs on the machine is a bit Wallace and Grommet ...
The daftest thing we've heard is that the Lincoln Christmas Market has been cancelled due to the snow ... seems a bit odd when you consider the main selling image is a snowy scene with all that entails. Normally, the stalls have artificial snow on their roofs (it's not rooves as some may think). OH&S strikes again! God help us; I wonder what our forebears would think ...
Sue is off to the supermarket across the road. It's not far so we don't have to harness the Huskies; she'll just use the bog-standard snowshoes which make her walk like a penguin that has extensive hemorrhagic problems. The barrel of brandy around her neck is a little add-on just in case she gets thirsty on her trek into the white-out. Sue, "I'm just going outside." Histrionic as ever ...