Decamping the Premier Motel in about -4 deg C was cool to say the least. It was literally freezing at the bus station so that the 30 min wait prevented us overheating with excitement. We left Sheffield by National Express coach on time and arrive at the Central Coach Station, Heathrow on time! The weather is bitterly cold and the frost on the trees along the way spectacular. Sheffield streets looked out of this world; the snow had hardly thawed along the side streets so that the effects of the snow fall were quite obvious. Major roads are clear and the traffic flowed. There is no way I would have liked to have driven down to Heathrow given someone else was there to do it and the fare was so little. The coach went through Coventry and amusingly passed the road where I lived when I was 5-7 years old. I had no feelings of familiarity, but it did bring some memories to mind - really disliked the school ...
We settled into the Premier Heathrow and filled up with good food which brings memories of being in the same hotel last year - sometimes it really does seem a bit of science fiction ...
We fly to Tokyo tomorrow at 7pm which means we'll hang around the hotel until 3.30pm ... that's travel Freddy Boy ...