"Morning has broken like the first morning ..." - I'll leave the rest of the song to you, a cappella if you wish.
My morning broke too early, but, thanks to the live-in au pair, I had the compensation of a cupper and shortbread to easy my lazy self into what turned out to be a very hot day. It does make a change from frost and snow ...
My New Years Resolutions are ... nonexistent! That's the only way I've found that I can keep them and also shows what little credence I give to the practice of making such resolves in the first place. Have you ever had the misfortune of knowing someone who both makes and keeps such resolutions? If you have, you'll also have experienced what utter pains in the backside these creatures are. Say no more ...
Another year of untold possibilities, of adventures new and unforeseen foolish mistakes. Let the games begin!